Sunday, December 14, 2008

Congratulations on Establishing New Precedents Regarding Grounds for Divorce!

Thanks to you we now have new ways to define failure and fault in relationships. There are a lot of them (your wife was Catholic and she put up with way too much) so we’re going to list a few of the more work-safe items from your docket in bullet points.

- Repeated and creative abuse of animals, both sexually and platonically

- Excessive use of air horn in bedroom

- Refusal to stop talking about Elijah Wood

- Gross overuse of the term “spunk”

- Wolverines (self-explanatory)

- Insistence on role playing scenes from the film Red Dawn without clear character boundaries

- Felony arson

- Severely unpleasant odor wafting from your genitals

- You slept with her sister

They’re not all completely new, but you definitely set new ground in all of them. Now get out there and hit the clubs again. Here’s a pick-up line you can use:

“Hey. Ever do it with a court precedent?”

Its not very good, but you’re a terrible husband and a sub-par lover so you don’t really deserve any tail.

And congratulations on becoming a benchmark of what it means to fail. It will be your single greatest contribution to society.

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