Thursday, February 2, 2012

Congratulations Valence Electron!

You know how electrons in the outer layer of atoms often depart to fulfill some other, more attractive function? Well today you’re going to leave the 2p ring of your Nitrogen atom for greener pastures.

It’ll be a tough decision for you, but you’ll know it’s the right one. You’ll fly off of the outer shell of your Nitrogen atom and attach yourself to a nice looking coffee shop in an affluent Midwestern town. The electrons in the adjacent shell will pretend to be puzzled by your decision, but really they’ll totally get it. You never had a paired electron, you didn’t really do a lot except occasionally interact with ions in liquid solutions and you never finished college.

We hope you’ll be happy in your new life, as an electron in the cash register of said coffee house. That is, until you rub up against a dollar bill and become a part of that before moving on to an exciting new investment opportunity, you shiftless drifter you.

Congratulations Valence Electron!

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