Saturday, February 18, 2012

Congratulations on Capturing That Zeppelin!

We all love the spirited romp that is a zeppelin chase: the days and days of slow paced pursuit gliding through the skies. We all know the rush of hurling a grappling hook towards your foe, three spare fathoms distant, and the crushing sense of defeat which accompanies each missed throw. But eventually all good things must come to an end, and today your zeppelin chase, at this point four days in the running, will most certainly come to its end.

After weeks of remaining twenty feet apart, just outside of effective throwing range for your zeppelin’s grappling hook, you’ll suddenly recall that you purchased an air powered grappling hook launcher for just such occasions as this. You’ll cluck your tongue and smile to yourself as you search your zeppelin’s many opulent storage containers for said grappling hook launcher. When you find it you’ll raise it up and shout:


Your prey will take note of your new find and panic.

“GREAT SCOTT!” he’ll shout, just barely audible from your deck. He’ll start fiddling with levers like it’s going to make him go faster, but really it’ll just be him spinning his wheels to feel a little bit better about the whole affair. He won’t turn around when you start laughing maniacally as you meticulously load your grapping hook into the grappling hook launcher. When you fire it the first time it’ll miss your rival’s zeppelin pretty handsomely. The second and third hits will miss as well, but the fourth shot will find the lip of zeppelin control booth and take hold.

“BULLY!” you’ll shout into the wind as you take hold of the now taut grappling hook line and pull your own zeppelin closer and closer to the other zeppelin, occasionally pausing to catch your breath and check if your rival has successfully decoupled your grappling hook from his craft.

After around fifteen minutes of moderate hauling, you’ll have brought yourself alongside your rival, ready to deploy your boarding plank. It will rotate over your own zeppelin control booth and hook into your rival’s, forming a platform for safe crossing. You’ll chuckle to yourself as you draw your Boarding Saber and charge across to victory.

Your foe will be waiting there, his own Boarding Saber drawn.

“En garde!” he’ll shout at you, which will make both of you giggle. Then you’ll tap sabers.

“Tag!” you’ll girlishly shriek. Your opponent will chortle in response. Then he’ll begin counting, very slowly, down from one hundred.

You’ll hurry back across your boarding plank, pulling it up behind you. When you reach your control panel you’ll commence coming about, no mean feat in a zeppelin. Then you’ll maximize the acceleratrix and hope for the best. After all, Reginald counts quickly, and it’ll be a dull week to be super rich if you only get to spend a few hours as the pursued in Zeppelin Tag.

Congratulations on Capturing That Zeppelin!

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