Friday, April 27, 2012

Congratulations Magazine Editor!

You edit a magazine. It’s a job, we looked it up. Apparently it entails sitting in one spot and going over text that someone else wrote so that you can be sure that there aren’t any mistakes in it. If there are you just mark it up and ask that person to correct their mistake.

Normally it’s pretty dull, but today’s going to be a red letter day. Today you’re going to discover, while editing an article about a local spelling bee that an autistic boy won, that spelling has, at least twice in the article, been spelled as “spelking.”

“Well that’s not right,” you’ll mutter under your breath before marking the error and sending it back to the author for correction.

You won’t get the article back until tomorrow, when you discover that one of the errors was intentional and, in context, makes sense. But tonight the glass of white wine you drink before bed will taste good, better than it has ever tasted before.

Congratulations Magazine Editor!

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