Monday, April 16, 2012

Congratulations Important Cop!

You’re a real fuckin’ hero, you know that? A real piece of work, you fucking hero you. You know what? You’re the kind of cop we need more of.

Sorry if we sounded sarcastic, but we’re really excited about what you’re gonna do. Because today, during a seminar on the reorganization of pension and retirement benefit plans you’re going to find a way to, through augmented use of the Vermont Medicare plan and a flexible benefit suite through a new PPO, figure out how to save hundreds of thousands of dollars in annual expenditures which will translate to an increased budget for police departments all over the state.

That means more bullet proof vests, better training, more new cruisers and an improved support infrastructure for remote precincts that previously had to rely on state troopers for assistance under durance.

We hope you’re real fucking proud of yourself, hero. Hope you sleep good tonight, you son of a bitch.

Oh, wait, that last one wasn’t positive.

Congratulations Important Cop!

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