Thursday, March 12, 2009

Congratulations on Receiving Your Very Own Neko Case!

She’ll arrive at your door tomorrow morning, bright eyed and smiling, red hair streaming down her shoulders like a mane. If a lion were given human flesh, you think, this would be its apparition.

She’ll stride into your home, taking in every object in your living room with a childlike look of wonder on her pretty, pretty face. She’ll walk all around, touching each item and taking in its texture before she sits down on your couch between your roommates, who will be staring openly at this point.

She won’t say anything, but she’ll give them a quick wave, followed by a knowing nod to you. You’ll smile in return, baffled, wracking your brain to recall just how this happened.

The haze of alcohol will hang heavy over your memory, but after a few minutes Neko’s presence will begin to wash over you and you’ll stop wondering why she’s come and simply bask in her glowing presence.

You won’t know if this is the real Neko Case, if she’s a clone or some sort of by-product of a quantum event, but you won’t care. You feel in your bones that you’re better with her here.

You’ll sidle next to her on the couch and hold her hand. She’ll offer you a benevolent smile and the four of you will go back to watching Seinfeld reruns, chuckling occasionally at jokes you’d forgotten.

Congratulations on receiving your very own Neko Case. Don’t forget to feed her and play with her.

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