Monday, June 6, 2011

Congratulations on Founding Facebook!

Today you’re going to be a super rich twin who rows all the time and really likes money.

“Money’s great,” you’ll declare to your twin brother while rowing. He’ll nod in response, but he won’t say anything because he doesn’t have anything to contribute to the discussion – he also thinks money is great and doesn’t think much else.

“What if we used online social networking, not that we know what that is, to make money?” you’ll ask him. At this point he’ll frown.

“I’m not sure that idea is readily monetizeable,” he’ll declare. “Also, neither of us know anything about computers.”

You’ll shrug. “Let’s pay some nerd to do it for us,” you’ll suggest while you pop the cork on a bottle of champagne.

“Capital!” your brother will shout.

The two of you will row back to shore and search the dorms for someone in front of a computer (shorthand for nerd). Then you’ll step into his room and awkwardly throw some of his possessions (books mostly, fucking nerds) on the ground.

“Make a website, nerd,” you’ll say. “Make it so you can talk to friends online.”

“Nerd,” your brother will add.

The nerd will sit and ponder the concept for a few moments before nodding and smiling.


Congratulations on Founding Facebook!

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