Saturday, December 24, 2011

Congratulations Christmas Eve!

Christmas is usually a rough time to be a prostitute. It’s cold outside and everyone’s at home with their families, so the majority of Johns are really just serial killers looking for an easy mark. Violence against sex workers spikes, and prostitutes the world over are sometimes forced to huddle together in big naked, writhing piles just to stay warm. Some people would probably pay to see that, but none of you have come up with a fair, effective business model that would make it a reality, so times remain quite tough.

But there is an exception, and that exception is you. You’re a hooker and your “working name” is Eve. Normally that means you’re asked to work with snakes and that you endure a lot of “snake” jokes when you’re about to fuck dudes. You hate it, and you always think of changing your name to “Charity” or something classy like that.

But tonight, and each night like this in the past, has made you realize just why you should hold on to your ignominious name. Because tonight, you see, is Christmas Eve. Which means that your clients, instead of asking you to “tempt their snakes for a change,” will instead ask you to “make their Christmas merry” and to “give them plenty of Eve this Christmas.”

On this night of the year your business increases sevenfold. You’re sore for days later, but it doesn’t matter because you can take time off you rake in so much dough. You charge extra because you’re so pressed for time and you sometimes just get so generous with the sexy-times that you end up giving random dudes on the bus handjobs just to keep the holiday spirit flowing.

Also, tonight your last client is going to have a huge dick and fuck you until you actually come. You’ll wake up sore tomorrow and gingerly touch your pussy, thinking that the whole thing was a Christmas miracle.

Congratulations Christmas Eve!

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