Friday, May 7, 2010

Congratulations on Screaming Fuck You in a Mostly Empty Theater!

We understand that you dislike it when movies have bullshitty romantic subplots. And we understand that you firmly believe in your right to speak freely regardless of where you are and who is around you.

But even if screaming “fuck you” for five solid minutes at the screen during a dollar screening of the Goofy Movie does qualify as protected speech it still seems like an unnecessarily dickish thing to do. Even if you did have a somewhat valid point to make (and we’re not conceding that yet) you probably could’ve done it in a way that didn’t make so many kids cry.

Regardless of whether or not it was the right thing to do we look forward to the outcome of the court decision regarding your controversial and spirited choice of words to use to describe your feelings towards a children’s film. We’d love to look into the future and just tell you, but that would ruin the surprise for everyone.

Congratulations on Screaming Fuck You in a Mostly Empty Theater!

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