Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Congratulations on Filling Up Her Sock with Your Poop!

You'll panic when you hear the front door open.  The restraining order specifically restricts you from doing exactly what you'll be doing, and you'll know it.  You'll know how screwed you are, how fucked you'll be when she catches you and how you are, most assuredly, going to be caught in the next few minutes.  So you'll do what comes naturally.

You'll freak out.

You'll start by ripping most of your clothes, making yourself look like a decidedly unincredible version of the Incredible Hulk.  Then you'll shatter all the mirrors in the room, which, you know, will make her come and find you that much faster.

She'll open the door as you shit into one of the knee high socks she used to wear on your anniversaries.  You'll look her right in the face and shout at the top of your lungs:  "YOU MADE ME DO THIS."

She won't have a response, though she will back out of the room, closing the door on her way, then move downstairs to call the cops.

Later, at your trial, it'll be determined that you're mentally unfit to live alone and, as such, the judge will insist that you be sentenced to several months in a mental institution.  You'll give the judge the middle finger during the trial which will, in a rare judicial development, actually help your case, for possibly the first time in history.

Congratulations on Filling Up Her Sock with Your Poop!

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