Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Congratulations on Getting Your Passport Back!

Immigration officials are well known for being corrupt. Just look at that Machete movie, where immigration officials were bad/good guys, or something like that. I don’t know, none of us have seen it. It just seemed topical to mention it.

Better yet, look at The Visitor, where immigration officials are kind of nebulous, disorganized and senselessly harmful bad guys who didn’t do evil out of ill intent, perhaps, but out of ignorance and bull-headedness. Picture that, but paired with violent corruption and greed and you’ll have an excellent picture of the TSA agent you’re going to run into later today while trying to board a plane to Amsterdam out of JFK.

“But I am just a pot-smoking enthusiast,” you’ll cry. “One who wishes to smoke weed legally in the magical world that is Holland!”

The TSA agent will shake his head and hold your passport up.

“I’m afraid it doesn’t work that way.”

You’ll sigh and drop to your knees and he’ll unzip his pants. Luckily, unlike the TSA agent in Logan, he’ll have bathed recently, which will make the whole process a lot more pleasant.

Five to fifteen minutes later you’ll have your passport back and you’ll be at Sabaro, using that grease to get that flavor out of your mouth.

Congratulations on Getting Your Passport Back!

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