Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Congratulations Stupid Poor Person!

"One lottery ticket, please," you'll announce, quite stupidly, to the convenience store clerk.  He'll stifle his laughter and hand you the ticket, which you'll proceed to scratch with your actual last thin dime.

The foil will peel away under the pressure and the metal, revealing a cherry, then another cherry, then a third one.  You'll lick the card in joy and run back into the convenience store.

"WINNER!" you'll shout.  He'll smile at you and gesture for you to give him the card, at which point he'll hand you your winnings: fifty dollars.  Tears will well in your eyes as you walk home to tell your wife (actually just a bucket on a mop with a wig taped to it) what happened.  You know how proud she'll be.

Congratulations Stupid Poor Person!

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