Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Congratulations Brilliant Inventor!

People need to be able to defend themselves.  We all know that.  But guns are a barbaric, poor solution to the problem, and other solutions, like learning how to shoot lightning from your hands, or killing people with hatchets, are just plain impractical for everyday Americans.  So what do we do?

We invent.  Or rather, you invent.

Today you invent the single most revolutionary weapon in the last four hundred years: the toucan trebuchet.

To those unfamiliar with warfare, this will sound like a laughably impractical idea.

"Hurling birds at people?  That sounds stupidly insane and insanely stupid," they might've said in the past.

Now if they say such things they'll be struck in the chest by a fast travelling bird cracking through the soundscape of the air around them.

Good show, you iconoclast you.

Congratulations Brilliant Inventor!

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