Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Congratulations Animal Planet Producer!

Staring at the summer lineup, you'll feel like something is missing.

"Can people still watch animals have sex on any of our shows?"

Your co-producer will shrug, which will prompt you to order your intern to watch the entire spring schedule of programming to find out, for sure, if hot animal-on-animal action has made it anywhere into the fall line-up.  Your intern will come back with the horrifying news that there are, in fact, zero total animals having sex.

You'll set about correcting this oversight immediately.

You'll start by greenlighting a project called "Kalahari Nights," where a camera crew covertly films giraffes fucking all over southern Africa.  Once that's done, you'll greenlight "Steamy Tundra," a show where the animals of Northern Canada have sex with one another for the amusement and edification of international audiences.  Finally, you'll put "Meerkat Fuck Party" into development.  That project will be pretty self-explanatory.

In about eight months, all of those projects, except for Meerkat Fuck Party, will be dead in the water, and you'll be fired.  But until then, you're going to have a lot of fun sitting at home alone, watching the shows you've developed while screaming at customer service agents who refuse to recognize how important your disputed credit card charges are.

Congratulations Animal Planet Producer!

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