Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Congratulations Time Bandits Enthusiast!

You love the movie Time Bandits. Well, who doesn’t really? But you like it irrationally. You like it so much that you’ve actually treated your kid kinda shitty so that he might one day egress into a fantasy world wherein time is no longer locked as a reality but is instead a subjective condition one can manipulate. You didn’t treat him really shitty, so it’s not that bad. But you could’ve be nicer to him in general.

Anyhow, today you’re going to sit down with your son and watch the movie Time Bandits. At the end he’s going to look at you, shaking his head. “Is this why you made me go to bed early all those times when I was living at home?”

You’ll nod.

“I wanted you to have the kind of adventure I always dreamed of. Sorry if I ever made you feel alienated from me, I just worried that if I was too good a dad you wouldn’t have anything to escape from.”

He’ll be puzzled by the logic, but touched by the sentiment, and he’ll hug you. It’ll be the first gesture of tenderness he’ll have shown towards you when he ran away at the age of 15 to sell himself on the street because you didn’t hug him enough.

Congratulations Time Bandits Enthusiast!

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