Friday, January 3, 2014

Congratulations Denny's Sex Den Ringleader Wunderkind!

It's been a long time coming.  You started at the bottom, greeting people at the door and setting them up with tables while your uncle ran around back and expedited tickets.  You spent a staggering eight months there before your uncle decided to make you junior manager of the night shift.  After that you spent most of your time talking to customers on the phone and trying to fingerbang the wait staff in your office during what you called "development meetings."  You missed more than you hit, but you got a reputation as "a person who can competently speak to vendors and someone who is amenable to cocaine being sold in his kitchen as long as he gets a handjob from somebody before the night is over," and that was enough to get you promoted when the dealers you let set up shop in the back planted drugs in your superior's car to get him fired.

With the night shift under your thumb, you expanded your drug empire to include prostitution and impromptu sex shows.  You'd hire local teens to blow lonely old pensioners and to fuck in the meat locker for small audiences of beparkaed married couples who felt the spark had gone out of their relationship.  After around ten months of that, a teen eventually ran to the cops after a john roughed her up something good, and your uncle took the fall since, technically, you were 16 when you were first hired and, as such, were not of the age of majority at the time of your arrest.  That left his position vacant and you waiting there with your resume, a long list of recommendations from him and a police report written mostly by your man on the inside that left out most of the details of your involvement as the defacto ring leader of a Denny's based drug empire and sex club.  You were promptly hired as the general manager of the Denny's.

You begin work in your new position today.

Step one will be getting on the phone to your people on the inside, so that you can arrange to have your uncle killed.  You don't expect him to blab, but you can't trust him not to absolutely, and there's no room for error in this.  You've got to be sure.  After that, you'll do a bump of cocaine and announce to the staff that they'll now, along with Denny's menus, be handing out special handwritten "Denny's Nights" menus.  These menus will mostly list drug products and sex acts available for sale.  If anyone has any questions, you'll inform them, they should come to your office and blow you.

Silence will greet your announcement.  Many of the people working the day shift will have worked the night shift with you at some point.  Many of them will have requested to be transferred to the day shift to avoid your violent tendencies and sustained sexual harassment.  A handful of them won't know you at all.  They'll simply look puzzled.  Fear will gleam in the others' eyes.

Let them fear you.  Let them doubt you.  This is your Denny's.  You're king here.  Until someone bigger or badder comes calling, or until corporate sends an inspector to make sure your franchise isn't violating any bylaws, you run this chain family restaurant establishment.

Congratulations Denny's Sex Den Ringleader Wunderkind!

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