Thursday, January 30, 2014

Congratulations Blind Pilot!

Today terrorists are going to attack a plane (great work, TSA) and, through the use of some sort of "eye poison," kill everyone on board, including themselves.  The only survivors will be you, a blind man who plays piano and digitally stimulates women for a living, and a four month old baby whose eyes won't have been developed enough to receive the "vision toxin" that Al Qaeda released on the plane.  This will lead to a lot of awkward feeling around after the initial chaos, followed by you sitting down in the pilot's seat, putting on the pilot's headphones, and asking the control tower:

"Uhh, Sky Boss, how do I land this plane?"

"What?" the control tower operator will ask.

You'll briefly explain to him what happened and he'll listen, silently nodding, until you're done.

"Well, I could let you die," he'll say in an announcerly voice, "but I'll be damned if I'm going to let Al Qaeda kill another baby.

"AMERICA!" you'll shout in response.

When you quiet down he'll walk you through the various switches on the console in front of you, directing you to, at the right moment, flip off the autopilot switch and then, soon after, push the land button.  You and the baby will land safely and your regard for professional pilots will be forever shaken, colored by the knowledge that their job could literally be done by a blind man being given directions by a depressed alcoholic hundreds of miles away.

Congratulations Blind Pilot!

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