Saturday, January 18, 2014

Congratulatins Filament Lover!

There's been a big to do about the push to shift from old timey light globes to those little swirly pig tail compact fluorescent guys from the government and people who generally "understand how light bulbs work."  The outcry has been as loud as it has been nonsensical.  People claim that their bulbs being taken away is akin to communism being spread by the most vile of thought criminals.  Other people claim they like the light that comes from running an electrical current through a tiny metal filament until it superheats inside of a vacuum more than the light that comes from heating up dispersed inert gasses inside of a thicker sealed object.  A few people think that President Obama plans to monitor homes with the new bulbs, effectively just watching people fuck all the time through secret bulb cameras.

All of the people irked about the shifting light bulb market don't really have any idea of what they're talking about, or any real reason to be upset.  Well, all the people except you.  See, you have a rare sexual proclivity that requires you to have your dick inside of a light bulb with a tiny piece of metal going into the tip for you to achieve orgasm.  Without light bulbs, you literally cannot reach sexual fulfillment.  Obama's America is an orgasmless hellscape for you.

So you can keep complaining, stockpiling light bulbs and, twice a week, cracking one open with your erect penis, screaming and making a terrifying face as your wife watches.  Everyone else needs to shut their god damn mouth holes, because holy shit.  It's just a bunch of light bulbs.

Congratulations Filament Lover!

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