Monday, November 4, 2013

Congratulations Late Funeral Guest!

You'll stumble into the funeral still wearing the outfit you wear to your job as a one man band.  It will, as one might expect, make an amount of noise wholly inappropriate for a funeral.

Other funeral attendees will stare at you, give you the stink eye while you sit down.  When you begin making the sign of the lord's prayer across your chest in respect for your fallen friend, the cymbals attached to your arms and legs will crash against your other instruments, making a din that will rouse the rest of the room and prompt the priest, delivering the final eulogy, to cease speaking.

He'll stare good and hard at you.  Then, up in front, the widow will start cracking up.  She'll throw her hands up in the air, laughing hysterically.  After almost a full minute of her laughing like a god damn maniac, the priest will join in, then the first few rows of the funeral, then the middle, and so on until everyone in the room is laughing hysterically at you and your one man band outfit.

You'll laugh and give the crowd a little shrug.

Sometimes, you've just got it.

Congratulations Late Funeral Guest!

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