Saturday, September 21, 2013

Congratulations Tragedy Dad!

Exiting your Hyundai Elantra, a weight will tumble down from the sky, striking your wife in the skull.

"NOOOOOO!" you'll cry, dropping to your knees and grasping her hand, rocking back and forth as you feel the warmth leave her body.

After a few seconds of you rocking and weeping your children will leave the car too.

"Daddy, what's-" your daughter will begin to ask, only to have her life cut short by the skydiver who dropped his weight earlier.  She'll be crushed instantly, her body so severely impacted that her flesh will merge with the skydivers. They'll be burned together, and you'll never really be sure that the ashes you received were entirely hers.

Your son will run over to his sister's side, where he'll try to pull her body out of the dead skydiver's, to no avail.  After a minute or two, he'll be totally covered in gore, which will attract the attention of circling raptors.  They'll descend upon him and rip your boy to shreds while you watch helplessly, held at bay by the sharp beaks and caws of their cohort.

Later, after weeping over the tattered bodies of your family for several hours, you'll try to get in your car and drive to get help, but the engine won't start.  Filled with tears, you'll call AAA, but the inept receptionist won't be able to interpret your language through your sobs, so you'll have to call back three times before someone with social skills figures out what's up and gets your rough location to dispatch some police and a tow truck to your location.

When the tow truck arrives early, its driver will be coming off a pretty serious meth binge, so instead of stopping close to your location and getting you all set up he'll crash into your car at full speed, striking you in the process, pinning your leg to the vehicle and mangling your limb so badly that you'll lose it a week later.

He won't be liable for damages, because of your AAA contract, which explicitly exonerates its drivers from any liability while they're in a state of meth fueled rage.

Later, more terrible shit will happen.  But that's it for today.  Have a good one!

Congratulations Tragedy Dad!

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