Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Congratulations Man with Marmot Mittens!

Normally, this would be a zany post where you craft mittens out of live scurrying marmots, marmots that perpetually shift and rearrange on your hands so that they're never too hot, never too cold, always juuuuust right.  These marmots would be bulky when it suited your needs, and then absent when digital articulation is required.

These marmots exist in a god damn fantasy world.

The reality is that you are a sick fucking weirdo who crams his hands up the rectums of dead marmots and then calls them "mittens."

Today you're going to go hunting for a new pair - the ones you've been wearing for the last few months are all maggoty and stinky.  It's a real turn off for the ladies you meet at da club.  That means going to the mountain with your boomerang and trying to boomerang up some marmots.

In related news, this afternoon you'll die tumbling from a cliff when your boomerang strikes you in the face as marmots surround your ankles, gnawing them, a constant shifting mass of fearless fur and bone and muscle driving you to the longest minute of your life.  The end result: happier marmots, which means happier people in general.

Congratulations Man with Marmot Mittens!

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