Monday, April 29, 2013

Congratulations Benniton Ad Maker!

It’s been years since you worked, but you don’t let that get you down.  Charming multiculturalism, filtered through a weird nigh fascistic interpretation of diversity as “people who look different” rather than “people who think different” isn’t the worst conceivable thing you could’ve done with your life.  It’s actually the sixth worst, and today you’re going to get desperate enough to do number five.

Today the money you made from making Benniton commercials is going to dry up.  That means you’re going to have to turn to your old trade of pimping to pay the bills.  So today you’re going to dust your fancy hat off, find your cane from its place in the back of your closet and buy a new fur coat that fits your aging body with what’s left of your savings.  Then you’ll collect your ethnically diverse prostitutes and set out to rule the sex trade of Dearborn Michigan with an iron (diversely colored) fist.

It’ll be a pretty decent run until a fifteen year old gang member shoots you in the face during a recruitment meeting, throwing your criminal empire into chaos.  But that won’t happen for at least another two months.  Enjoy the ride until then!

Congratulations Benniton Ad Maker!

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