Friday, July 23, 2010

Congratulations on Filling a Submarine With Fetid Woman Blood!

This one’s pretty self-explanatory. You’re a lady on a top secret test submarine which is showing the potential ill effects of having women live on submarines long term with the rest of the crew. The results will be interesting.

After a series of steamingly hot sexual episodes with eighty six percent of the crew you’ll get your period and turn into a raving bitch. You’ll go from being the coolest, most laid back crewmember to being an absolute nightmare to share a bulkhead with even briefly. You’ll be so intolerable that the crew will vote that you be temporary sealed inside of a secluded torpedo chamber where your irrational aggression can be put to use fighting Soviets held out at the bottom of the ocean where law abiding Americans don’t see them.

While there you’ll load torpedoes with great aplomb, and also very nearly flood your personal chamber with menstrual blood. Navy brass will look at your incredible effectiveness and efficiency under duress and the general boost to morale that occurred during your service and decide that they need to come up with some sort of advanced drainage system to accommodate your gushing, foaming lady bits. You’ll be like a white female Jackie Robinson with exclusive regard towards submarines.

Congratulations on Filling a Submarine With Fetid Woman Blood!

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