Saturday, October 3, 2009

Congratulations to the Female Billy Jack!

You’re a girl. That means there are a lot of things people think you can’t do, like vote and drive stick. But you’ve proved them wrong and you’re going to prove them wrong on another count too come tomorrow.

You’re going to show them girls can kick some seirous ass too.

First you’re going to find a local gang of toughs. Try to make sure it’s a theme gang for maximum effect. Beating up a bunch of dudes in hoodies will do, but beating up a bunch of guys with skeleton facepaint in hoodies will be that much more demonstrative of your badassness.

Second, take a few weeks of Muai Thai. We know this prediction specifically references Billy Jack, a movie about a white hapkido fighter, but hapkido? That shit isn’t going to cut it. Watch some Youtube videos of Muai Thai and tell us we're wrong.

Third, be sure to get into at least one fight before you actually try to take on any gangs. Nothing will kill this faster than you running into a situation all willy nilly and getting your ass handed to you. Try to fight someone you think you can take, or fight with some backup to make sure you don’t get hurt too bad if you lose.

After following these steps our future experts show a 75% chance of success for you taking down a local gang and become a local myth for vigilantes. So try your best, kick some ass and you’ll hear us cry Congratulations to the Female Billy Jack!

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