Friday, April 2, 2010

Congratulations on Decapitating the Owner of a Tim Horton's!

Your challenge will echo across the parking lot.

“There can be only one!”

He’ll turn, drawing his long sword and turning to fight you.

“KORGAN!” he’ll shout. You’ll snicker.

“Did you just say Korgan?”

His blade will waver as he reconsiders his words. He’ll pause for a while.

“I meant Kurg-“ he’ll begin, but you’ll already be upon him, your blade wedged in his neck. He’ll struggle to grab it for a moment before you wrench it free, ripping his skull from his spinal column and sending it spinning. Then lightning will start to shoot out of his corpse like its going out of style. You’ll spread your arms and shout.


In an instant you’ll consume his essence, all that he ever was and ever would be, including ownership of a Tim Horton’s just outside of Charlotte. It’ll bring in a little more income and you’ll be able to eat all the shitty food you want whenever you’re in the greater metro area.

Congratulations on Decapitating the Owner of a Tim Horton’s!

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