Monday, February 3, 2014

Congratulations Pack of Wolves!

The tundra can be a cold and unforgiving place, and to a pack of wolves best known for acting in the film The Grey, it can seem a little small, despite its vast, unending reaches.  A poorly constructed contract and an inept lawyer have kept you from seeing one dime of the money that movie made (and it made some decent money, make no mistake!) but today, after nearly a year of contract negotiations, something is going to change.

You're going to get backlogged royalty payments for domestic and international box office returns of The Grey.

This will make you the third richest pack of wolves in the world, and the richest pack of wolves in Canada entire.

You'll celebrate by purchasing snowmobiles and guns and ravaging the countryside, butchering caribou wholesale and taking revenge on overreaching poachers.  Ironically, Liam Neeson will star in the movie about the daring Mounty who kills your entire pack after you accidentally murder his wife, but you won't be around to play yourselves.  Sorry for the bad news.

But hey!  Royalties!

Congratulations Pack of Wolves!

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