Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Congratulations Tot Swapper!

"So that's the idea," you'll say, throwing the binder full of graphs that simply read 'profit' at your potential investors.  One will raise his hand, and you'll answer him with a quick point.

"Doesn't this sound kind of illegal?" he'll ask.

"Dubbint this spund bewiggle?" you'll murmur, mocking him.  Then you'll make a fart sound and give him the middle finger.  An older gentleman in a suit will stand up, raise his hand, and begin to speak without prompting.

"I think the gentleman raised a good point.  I think we'd all like an-"

"FUCK YOOOOOU!" you'll interject, throwing your pocket square at the speaker.  It'll strike him in the face, then tumble to the ground.  He'll look puzzled, so you'll follow up with a quick "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE" at him.  He'll take the hint after that and leave, looking dejected, along with around three fourths of your room.  Only your gram mam and her friends will still be there.

She'll be asleep, but after a quick jostling from her buddy Bea, she'll come to and murmur, "It sounds lovely, honey.  How much money do you need?"

"Twenty million pounds," you'll say in your most stentorian stage voice.

"Oh lovely," she'll say, withdrawing her checkbook from her purpose.  It's nice to have a gam gam that loves you so much that she's willing to bankroll your horrible idea for a reality show called Totswap singlehandedly.  She's a classy lady, your gam maw.

Congratulations Tot Swapper!

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