Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Congratulations Frank Proctologist!

You're an ass man.  Most correctly, you're a professional proctologist who provides patients with no nonsense healthcare, a man for whom patient comfort and confidentiality are paramount.  You don't mince your words, which sometimes turns people off.  Most people want things sugar coated before they hear about their anal lesions or the strange growth occupying part of their colon.

But you don't do that.  It sets you apart in a crowded marketplace, but every once in a while someone comes in who really gets you.  And every once in a while someone who likes using the internet a bit too much comes in too.

Today, you're going to experience a confluence of those criteria when a customer comes in, gets a camera shoved up his asshole and then writes an incredibly positive and astute Yelp review about his experience.  He'll give you five stars, bringing your overall rating up to four and a half (the best Yelp rating you can get if you're a real business).

Tomorrow your secretary's phone will blow up with new calls from people who really want to hear their asshole described in brief, unadorned prose by a man they can trust.  By the end of the month, you'll appear on the front cover of "Butt Doctor Monthly," where a feature will declare you to be "North America's most preeminent doctor who specializes in one very special hole." 

Your business will continue to boom for months to come, but don't let it get to your head.  Remember, your status as a butt-virtuoso is owed partly to your level personality and low key professionalism.  Don't forget it!

Congratulations Frank Proctologist!

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