Friday, July 5, 2013

Congratulations on Fucking a Porn Star!

Today you’re going to be out at some shithole bar in LA and you’re going to run into a young woman absolutely covered in tattoos.  You’ll accidentally bump into her, spilling her drink on the floor and, miracle of miracles, you’ll apologize.

“Oh god,” you’ll say.  “I’m so sorry.”

She’ll shrug and look at you like you’re just another member of a long line of men that have disappointed her stretching all the way back to her father, but a lady being disappointed in you is your comfort zone, so you’ll be unphased.  Instead of hemming and hawing or staring at her chest (which the arcing tattoos above it will beg you to do) you’ll just smile and ask:

“What were you drinking?  I’ll get you another one.”

This simple human gesture will be something she’s totally unprepared for.  When she responds “Harvey Wallbanger, ironically,” and you ask her “How do you drink ironically?” she’ll actually laugh.  And when you finish getting her order from the bar and drop it off at her table she’ll invite you to sit down with her friends.

They’ll be remarkable attractive people with a kind of approachable bent to them.  When you ask if it’s alright for your friends to join them they’ll all look to the girl you bumped into and when she nods they’ll blanche a little.  She’ll shrug at the one closest to her and mutter something into her ear.

Once your friends arrive, one of them will ask, quite directly, “Are you Scarlett Pain?”  One of the girl you bumped into’s friends will roll her eyes and reply “Sometimes.”  Everyone at the table will be uncomfortable for a moment, until you and the girl you bumped into get back to talking about Asian horror movies.  She’ll vehemently believe that Korean horror movies are the best.  You’ll insist that Japanese movies are better.  She’ll repeatedly inform you that that’s bullshit and, four drinks further into the night, you’ll catch her leaning against you while you talk about your favorite Clive Barker books.

As you’re leaving the bar one of your friends will grab you by the arm and tell you that the girl you’ve been talking to is named Jessie something.  You’ll pat him on the arm and tell him okay, that you just plan to drive her home be a gentleman.  He’ll act like you’re committing some grievous offense by dismissing the possibility of date raping an attractive young woman, so you’ll try to leave a little faster to avoid flipping out on him.

When you get the girl you bumped into to her house, she’ll smile at you and tell you: “I think you might be too drunk to drive any more.”  When you ask her what she means she’ll kiss you and say: “I usually don’t fuck nice guys.  I think I’d like to try this.”

She’ll be close to right about the “too drunk to drive” bit, and it will have been a while.  She’ll be pretty, quite pretty, and her tongue moving on yours will be strangely unalloyed.  You’ll give in and let her unbuckle your seat belt before backing off just long enough to get you out of your car and to her door.  When she drags you inside it will be from the back of your neck.  When she brings you to her bedroom, she’ll seem suddenly shy.  It’ll be almost heartbreaking when she asks you to turn around, but the feeling of her hands on your back when she brings you to see her again will be superlative.

The motions of sex will come cautiously, more cautiously than they’ve ever been delivered to you before.

“I usually don’t do this,” she’ll breathe into your ear, and you’ll believe her.  Each awkward thrust and ungainly movement will make it seem like this is a more vulnerable act than anything she’s done on camera.  When the two of you finish, she’ll wrap herself around you and begin lightly snoring into your neck.  It will be endearing, but the sex will have been serviceable at best, a lackluster pabulum of drunk sex.  You’ll look at the girl you bumped into in the dark, with the lights down and smell her hair.  She’ll use Fructis, just like your ex used to.   You’ll lazily think about the two women together until exhaustion and alcohol finally catch up with you and you drift off to sleep somewhere close to three in the morning.

Congratulations on Fucking a Porn Star!

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