Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Congratulations Bluesy White Person!

The blues!  Rich cultural history of the south!  If you need a context paragraph on this one, you shouldn't be here.  The blues are great!  And you know them.  But here's the hitch in the context paragraph: you're white.

"Don't mean I can't be sad," you're presently telling us.

That's true, but it does mean that you, by engaging with the tradition of the blues, are actually engaging with a larger tradition of cultural acquisition, wherein dominant cultural paradigms adopt, and in so doing decontextualize and sometimes even subvert the purpose of, the cultural traditions of downtrodden social groups.

"What's wrong with that?" you'll glumly inquire.

Nothing!  As long as you're not problematizing that acquisition by ignoring the existent cultural context, or employing the work in a way that works against that context, to belittle, undermine, or insult the group you acquired that tradition from.

"So what 'em I doin' wrong?" you'll folksily rasp as you tune your guitar.

Nothing!  Your music is just shitty, which is another thing that can go wrong, not just with patterns of cultural acquisition, but with making music and art in general.  Your music is to blues what this post is to the genre of flash fiction.  Please, stop playing.  Maybe take a lesson?  We're trying to be constructive, but it's really hard!

Congratulations Bluesy White Person!

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