Monday, February 4, 2013

Congratulations Pork Cookie Manufacturer!

For years you’ve been telling people that Jews have been conspiring to keep you from producing your product of choice: pork cookies.

“I didn’t know that was a real product,” the clerk filing your suit against “Jews” will tell you.

“EXACTLY!” you’ll scream at her, spittle flying from your lips to land on her face.  “BECAUSE OF JEWS!”

She’ll wipe herself clean and shrug, then go back to filing your lawsuit.

Two weeks later the case will be thrown out of court after it is noted that it is both racist and establishes too broad a standing for an effective class action lawsuit.

“You cannot expect every Jew to pay you money,” the judge will explain.  “Only an insane person would think that’s an actual possibility of an effective means of restitution for any kind of wrongdoing.”

“FUCKING JEW TOY!” you’ll scream at him, hurling your shoe at his face.  That little stunt will land you with a two weeks for contempt wrist slap charge.  Unfortunately, during that time you’ll be brutally sodomized to death by a group of burly Jewish men whose bodies are adorned with Stars of David.  So even though you’ll die as horribly as you possible could expect to, you’ll die as the victim of an actual Jewish conspiracy.  So that’s kind of good for you, we guess.

Congratulations Pork Cookie Manufacturer!

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