Thursday, May 29, 2014

Congratulations Thematic Device!

When you appear on the page we immediately understand what we're meant to be feeling.  Sometimes that feeling will be altered by the surrounding material, but usually it'll just be there, easily accessible for even the most dull witted of readers, a point of humanity that can be accessed, returned to, turned over and assessed, again and again, as an example of some fundamental human trait.

But not today.  Today you're on vacation!  Enjoy the wonderful beaches of Cabo San Luca!  Let the sun tan your insubstantial firmament.  You'll look all good and toasty brown when today is done, unless you realize you're just a literary device and, as such, can't actually tan, or really do much of anything, aside from exist in an abstracted context.  Tomorrow, you'll be back on the page, doing your thing, informing us of stuff about what it means to be human, cuing us in on when we're supposed to be happy or sad based on what's ocurring.  But today you've got the day off.  Have fun, and try to ignore all the art that's happening without you around - no one's really going to get into that anyhow.

Congratulations Thematic Device!

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