Friday, May 16, 2014

Congratulations Known Threat to National Security!

You're a famous Muslim folk musician who we won't name here.  You used to be a pretty chill guy, but enduring the sustained ministrations of fame, racism, and wealth has driven you more than a little bonkers, which leaves the rest of society kind of holding the bag in terms of being responsible for you and your insane fucking behavior.  It also means you've been put on just about every kind of no-fly list there is: you can't even go hang gliding with all the restrictions put on you by The Man.

This wouldn't be such a problem if you didn't absolutely love flying.  The sensation of being above the ground, of soaring through the air, of moving at violent speed through the aether of the sky, has long stood as one of the few motivators in your life.  You love everything about flight, its defiant nature, the furtive truth about our insubstantial existence that it forces us all to confront, the sensation of colliding with birds in mid-air, asserting man's dominion over this, the last and most ill-defined of Earth's domains.

So it's fair to say that not being able to fly has made you miserable.  It's sort of made you insane, even, but you've been working on correcting that issue.  You're not trying to get off the no-fly list, far from it.  You're not trying to change your public image; you know better than to try that.  No, you're going to take the option that only the insanely wealthy and leisure prone have available to them: you're going to buy your own plane and fly it.

This won't keep you from being monitored by the government, and it won't be easy.  It'll take months to get the sale processed.  While you will be banned from riding on other planes, the security measures structured around the super-rich, that is to say the plane owning class in America, will be considerably more lax.  You will, as such, simply have to endure a bureaucratic slog, and shell out massive sums of money.  Then, once you have the plane, you'll have to learn to fly it.  That'll take months as well.

But after the long drag of time subsides into pattern and flight becomes pabulum for you once more, you'll have the opportunity, at long last, to fly alone, soaring above the air.  As the sun arcs across the cockpit glass as you soar over the middle of the country, America a green-brown smear beneath you, the beauty of the world will become apparent to you once again.  You'll feel a vague twinge of loss as you take in the sensation of hovering aloft at twenty-thousand feet, until a sudden thud enters the chassis.  Feathers will explode at the right edge of your vision.  As they dissipate rapidly, your heart will start to feel warm again, as if it could be, but is not quite yet, full again.

Congratulations Known Threat to National Security!

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