Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Congratulations Willow Smith!

Today you're Willow Smith, and you will, for a brief period of time, move outside of the core consciousness of America.

You will, during these moments, be permitted to exist as a child for the first time in your life, unobserved, hopeful, resplendent with promise.  You will not be pressed into some sort of media schema by your besieged mother or you insane father, whose mind, ravaged by fame, will no longer recognize the importance of allowing a little girl to be, for a few moments of her life, a little girl.

Perhaps you will sit quietly and read during this time, or perhaps you will watch television programs with an eye for cute boys.  Perhaps you'll ride a bike.  Perhaps you'll do any of the things a normal thirteen your old girl does with her life for a change, like get your period for the first time, or quietly ponder what adulthood will hold, instead of being hurled to and fro by the madness of adults who simply lacked the temerity to give you a chance to find your own path in a safe, quiet space, outside of the public eye.

We'd love to tell you what you're doing, because that would be a big get, what with the media blackout, but we honestly don't know.  We just hope you enjoy it, because tomorrow you're going to go back to your old life, which involves some pretty straight up weird shit, ranging from trying to talk your way around the low key sexual lyrics in your songs to explaining that you aren't going to grow up into a maladjusted monster just because you've been living under public scrutiny since your birth.  Enjoy this brief, furtive opportunity to be a person, if only for a day.

Congratulations Willow Smith!

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