Monday, April 14, 2014

Congratulations Germ Warfare!

Mondays, am I right?  Who needs them?  Hardworking germ warfare scienticians, that's who!  Scienticians like your creators, who were sciencing pretty god damn hard on the day they came up with your sexy little bod.

See you're a collection of weaponized germs, and today you're going to get released to the public.  At first, people will be a little uncertain.  They'll be all, "Is this the best time to expose the world to a virulent plague of our own making?"  And you'll be all like SHAZAM! and boom, half the population will be dead within four days.  By the end of the month, nearly all of mankind will be replaced with germ filled corpses.  Within a year, the handful of survivors who didn't die horribly because of you will all finally finish the messy business of wiping each other out, which will leave you as the dominant life form on the planet.  Have fun with Earth!  Or at least, what's left of it now that we're done.

Congratulations Germ Warfare!

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