Monday, April 28, 2014

Congratulations Mountaineer!

It is known that at high altitudes some people hallucinate things.  Sometimes, they'll hallucinate stuff like sexy cartoon animals, or weirdly elaborate cakes.  Sometimes they'll hallucinate loved ones reaching out to them, calling them to come and visit the great beyond, where they can be together forever.

Today, while climbing through the beautiful and deadly Himalayas, you're going to hallucinate a rope bridge.

"Check it out," you'll shout to your wife.  "Bridge!"

She'll stare at you like you're crazy, and shout "Wait, don't, it's a - " but before she can get to the overlong phrase, "Mountain mirage," you'll already have leapt on to the rope bridge with both feet and, having hit nothing but air, you'll begin your rapid and certain descent into a crevasse, where you'll break both your legs and die of blood loss in a matter of minutes.

If it's any solace, your case will be used for years to come as a cautionary tale, effectively educating thousands of climbers in proper mountain-safety, and lending credency to a seemingly fake phenomena.  Also, it'll free your wife from a loveless marriage that was figuratively sucking the life out of her, which is good, because no one should have to live without love.

Congratulations Mountaineer!

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