Thursday, April 3, 2014

Congratulations Christopher Walken Impersonator!

The loaded gun was a recommendation from your ex wife.  She told you that she could simply not love you anymore and that, by merit of your means of employment, you would never find love again in the world.  She said "put a bullet in a gun, put the gun in your mouth, spin the chamber and pull the trigger."

You've been taking her advice every night since she left and, sure enough, tonight, three nights in, probability is going to catch up with you.  You're going to pull a trigger, the bullet is going to be struck by a hammer and projected out of the chamber at 810 feet per second by a chemical explosion trapped just behind its center of mass.  As it is propelled outward, the bullet will encounter the forward facing base of your skull.  It will penetrate the bone easily, move through the mass of brain matter located near the stem of your brain, and then continue out the other end.

You'll be left largely unaware of what has happened, since the exceptional speed and force of the bullet will obliterate the sections of your brain normally given over to baseline function.  Without those sections, your body will cease operating almost immediately, and your capacity to comprehend what has happened to you will simply no longer exist.

On the upside, the world will be left with one fewer Christopher Walken impersonator, which will be pretty great.  We're all psyched to hear that.

Congratulations Christopher Walken Impersonator!

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