Friday, October 11, 2013

Congratulations on Enacting a Law!

You know what people hate?  Dogs!  Well, some people hate dogs.  A small group of very vocal people hate dogs.  Cats hate dogs, and people who love cats sometimes hate dogs.  People who like squirrels really hate dogs, and while they represent an overall minority of the population of the United States, they represent a very wealthy, very powerful, very vocal minority, so if you want to earn a shitload of money super quick, a great way to do that is to propose legislation that prevents dogs from hunting down squirrels.  Dogowners whose pets eat squirrels will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

"Is this really the best use of our time?" some of your congress-fellows might ask.

"YOU'RE ALL COMMUNISTS!" you'll articulately reply.

The bill will pass, 400 to 5, 30 abstaining.

Congratulations on Enacting a Law!

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