Saturday, December 12, 2009

Congratulations on Getting Your Show Made!

We never thought you’d do it. After your concept for a show about David Bowie flying through space, fighting Rob Paulson and doing it with strange alien groupies was rejected we thought “Well shit. If that kind of gold doesn’t get on air, what could?”

Turns out it’s your worst idea. It’s a show called “Mom Fight” and principal photography begins today. The concept is that Moms fight to determine whose kid is cuter. Winner receives a tidy cash prize and custody over the loser’s kid until such a time as the losing mom is proven to be “less of a loser.” All court proceedings are resided over by Judge Judy, with Judge Joe Brown filling in when necessary.

The first episode airs Monday which, as normal people know, doesn’t leave much time for post. We’re all excited to see what kind of shit the asshole of network television is going to produce for us this time around.

Congratulations on Getting Your Show Made!

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