Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Congratulations on Regaining the Power of Speech!

You were in a car accident about two years ago.  You'd just caught your wife cheating on you and, naturally, you sped away back to your apartment to back all your shit and leave her cheating ass.  In your vindictive rush to action, however, you made one crucial mistake: you ran a red light and ended up T-boned, driver side.  Your car was, mostly, uninjured.  You were extremely injured.

You landed in a coma which, paired with a solid array of broken bones and ruptured organs, made you pathetic enough for your wife to forget what a dick you were and take pity on you.  She'll begin dutifully attending to your needs, washing you on days when the hospital staff can't manage to, splitting her time between work as a high powered lawyer (she always was the breadwinner) and doting wife.  She'll wait by your side, praying every day that you'll awake, and for two years, she'll be true to you, truer than she ever was before your accident.

You won't know any of this, of course.  You'll feel a sort of warmy love-thing radiating off of something beyond the veil of the coma, but you spent your life as a bit of a cold-hearted dickhead, so you won't let it take hold.  So today, when you wake up and find your wife next to you, eyes wide and welling with tears in the middle of the night, when you hear her say "honey?" in a heartbreakingly tender voice, more tender than you'll ever have heard before, you'll react the way you would've on the day you crashed your car.

You'll call her a whore.

It'll be a serious effort on your part - your voice will be atrophied for years of disuse - but you'll manage, beginning with the huh sound, drawn out, almost like a gasp, followed by the orrrrrrr, escaping you like the air leaving a balloon.

Your wife will leave your bedside immediately and, in a single instant, remember why she started cheating on you in the first place.

The event will be used against you in divorce proceedings.

Congratulations on Regaining the Power of Speech!

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