Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Congratulations Unnecessary Organ!

Every body has a few extra bits.  You're the superfluous piece of organic machinery on a woman's body today.

"God, I feel better now that that's gone," she'll say, even while they're still sewing up the gaping hole in her body that you were pulled out of.

"It was a particularly hideous superfluous organ," the doctor will say, shaking his head.  "Heavy, too."

You'll want to cry, but you won't have tearducts.  You'll want to protest, to announce your presence, to signal your displeasure in some way, but alas, there will be no chance.  You'll simply sit there, being a superfluous organ, until you're thrown into the incinerator where, thankfully, the hurtful words will no longer be able to find you.

Congratulations Unnecessary Organ!

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