Thursday, June 12, 2014

Congratulations Fucking Half-Wit!

Today, while voting in what you perceive to be an election for senator, you will cast your ballot for Ross Perot.  Never mind that Ross Perot hasn't run for office in ten years.  Never mind that he has never, in the history of his queer, bleak political career, run for the office of senator.  Never mind that he neither resides in the state in which you reside.  Never mind that you will not, in fact, be voting in an election at all, but rather will be shouting at a lunch lady in her mid seventies as she attempts to serve lunch to a gaggle of screaming children.

You'll be damned if you're going to acknowledge reality while black gay Hitler and his socialist interracial breeding agenda destroy America.  You don't know much about anything, especially politics, but your daddy taught you everything he knew, and one thing he knew was that superficial concerns related to people's appearances trump all concerns.  Ross Perot looks like your daddy, and Barack Obama looks like that smartass banker what once told you you didn't qualify for a loan when you full well did, what with the six or seven outstanding loans you had out already, and that means Ross Perot should be in charge and Barack Obama shouldn't be allowed to hold elected office until you get approved for that loan to build that illegal and undocumented extension to your home.

Later on today, you'll steal a child's ice cream, then rant about the "taker class" of America.

You are, of course, representative of the core voting demographic of the Reform Party.

Congratulations Fucking Half-Wit!

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