Friday, June 17, 2011

Congratulations Mexican Businessman!

Today you’re a Mexican businessman and like all Mexican businessmen you perform all your business while wearing a Luchadore mask and screaming at everyone around you. You also say Mehico instead of Mexico.

“WE WILL NOT RETAIN OUR POSITION AS THE LEADING TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY IN MEHICO IF WE DO NOT AGGRESSIVELY MARKET IN A MORE INTERNATIONAL FASHION!” you’ll shout to your board of directors, who will also dressed in Luchadore masks. They’ll nodly gravely in response and then all of you will drink coffee, which we’re pretty sure most businessmen do in general.

We’d love to tell you more about what you do in general, but we’re now out of information about Mexico, businessmen and business in general. Quick! Fill out a spreadsheet!

Congratulations Mexican Businessman!

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