Thursday, April 12, 2012

Congratulations World Changing Cherry Blossom!

We all hear about the chaos effect and for the most part we all know it’s bullshit based on a facile understanding of a tremendously complicated mathematical theory centered around random chance having unknown effects on crucial world events. Butterflies flapping their wings and changing weather patterns isn’t a particularly elegant metaphor for the far-reaching implications of multivariable calculus.

But you know what is?


You’re a cherry blossom and today is the day you’re gonna fall. You’re gonna fall from a tree in a suburb north of Osaka and a young man, a very sad and angry young man, is going to watch you descend gently on the wind.

It’ll be a simply moment, a brief one, but it’ll be infinite in its poetic capacity. That moment will be, in a sense, perfect. So perfect that it’ll help him contextual his abusive mother, his absent father and the jeers that his classmates greet him with each and every day at school.

It’ll help him channel his rage and sorrow into art instead of violence at the world around him. So instead of becoming a charismatic extrovert who desires acceptance and powers over others he’ll become a quiet, introverted artist who paints for the rest of his life, making a modest and joyful living alongside the woman he loves (who works as a marketing coordinator in a moderately sized company that manufactures plastic toys and relies on him to bring light and joy to her life). He’ll spend all of his days trying to capture the symbolic beauty of your descent and though he won’t succeed, he’ll feel he hasn’t wasted a single day of it.

So by falling today you’re going to alter the course of history, effectively preventing the rise of a vile dictator and insuring the growth of a quiet, humble artist.

Congratulations World Changing Cherry Blossom!

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