Friday, August 10, 2012

Congratulations Thin Obese Person!

“No one understand how severe my obesity is!” you’ll whine to your doctor. He’ll nod sympathetically.

“That’s because your fat is densely compacted inside your body. Even though you do have a lot of weird sores and skin growths from diabetes.”

“It’s not fair! Most obese people get to look fat, so they still get all that hot chubby chaser sex. And they get to do all that feeder gainer stuff. Who’s going to want to get into a feeder-gainer lifestyle relationship with a skinny two-hundred seventy pound man who can’t stop eating? And just smells awful all the time?”

Your doctor will shrug.

“You probably should’ve thought about that before you walked into that particle acceleration chamber without any protective equipment,” he’ll say while he marks a few boxes off on your chart.

You won’t have a very good answer for that.

Congratulations Thin Obese Person!

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