Thursday, March 15, 2012

Congratulations on Losing at an Elimidate Clone!

Remember Elimidate, the dating elimination show that went off the air a few years back and that no one talks about anymore? No? That’s too bad.

Because today you’re going to be asked to go on an “Elimidate” style date with a random young woman and a film crew. She’s going to show up incredibly high on cocaine and ask you to go throw rocks at cars from the overpass with her. You’ll refuse to do so and she’ll give you the middle finger and tell you “you been axed,” which is the phrase the producers of the show decided to come up with to describe the action of eliminating a contestant from the show.

It’ll be kind of a relief because she’ll be arrested a few minutes later while you and the film crew watch. Within a few days the show will be dead before its first episode airs, and “So You Think You Can Handle This?,” the dating show centered around dating self-destructive, horrible people, will be mothballed until a generation of television viewers awesome enough to handle it comes along and makes everyone’s life a little more interesting.

Congratulations on Losing at an Elimidate Clone!

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