Monday, March 23, 2009

Congratulations Muskrats!

Today society will be turned on its ear as muskrats the world over emerge from rivers in major metropolitan areas and begin to take over daily life.

All around us muskrats will assume the functions which the mentally retarded or immigrants once performed. They will begin by taking over our theaters, then our fast food restaurants. They’ll expand to gas station attendants and, before you know it, investment bankers.

Before long society at large will come to see them as normal and acceptable individuals for these roles. The whole thing will be very Gogol-esque. After a few months muskrats will have taken over most clerical work. Soon after that politics will fall under their sway. And then the few remaining humans in these select urban centers will be devoured by rodents.

Our only hope is that we live long enough to see our new masters devour our enemies.

Congratulations muskrats!

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